If you have found yourself in need of dental work, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with our dentist as soon as possible. In some cases, routine dental care isn’t enough to repair dental problems, and further services are needed. If you have severe tooth damage, you may need to undergo full mouth reconstruction to regain the full use... read more »
If you have heard about dental bonding but would like to learn more about it, we are happy to describe its benefits to you. It can help you fix relatively small dental issues and restore the natural appearance of teeth. Matches Teeth in Appearance Bonding can blend with your teeth because it is made of composite resin. This special material... read more »
If you have dental damage, you may experience jaw or facial pain. However, no matter how trivial a symptom may seem, it could be the first sign of an underlying condition that needs to be treated as soon as possible. You should be aware of the causes of jaw and facial pain and what treatments can be used to alleviate... read more »
If you want a strong and healthy smile, fluoride is your friend. Fluoride is a helpful mineral that can benefit your smile in more ways than you might realize. Our dentist, Dr. Kathleen Tantuco, would like to tell you all about fluoride so you can better understand the mineral. To give you the information you need, they would like to... read more »
Are you someone who has questions about tooth decay, which is also known as a cavity? If so, our dentists, Dr. Tantuco and Dr. Chong, will be happy to help you find the answers you need. Having the answers can help you keep your smile and oral health in tip-top shape. So, to help you, they is happy to provide... read more »
When is the right time to brush your teeth? Should you brush after every single meal? How long do you have to brush? These are a few of the questions that surround the world of dental hygiene, and many begin asking these questions as children. Parents often tell their children to brush following a meal. However, it can be beneficial... read more »
Never be afraid to look for new and interesting ways to improve your smile. This includes always having ideas in your head ready to implement for any dental damage that can occur. The more you do to prevent damage, the lower your risk is that dental damage actually will occur. Tooth hazards can pop up at any moment, so it... read more »
It's never too late to seek out treatments to improve the look of your smile. Even if you're of old age now, it is possible to repair your smile and take your teeth to limits they've never even seen before. With the help of cosmetic dentistry treatments and procedures, smile makeovers are possible that can give you the best smile... read more »
In order to have a top-notch smile and oral health, you need to have an effective oral hygiene routine. In order to have an effective oral hygiene routine, you need to use the right oral hygiene tools. Unfortunately, there are tools in the world today that can harm your smile. To avoid them, our dentists, Dr. Kathleen Tantuco, encourages you... read more »
Have you ever thought about having a smile makeover? A smile makeover is designed to drastically enhance the look of your teeth. If you have, consider a dental veneer treatment to assist you. Dental veneers are thin shells that go on the fronts of teeth for a new look. They can be used to improve the appearance of your teeth... read more »