Did you know that some gum has earned the ADA’s seal of approval? Does that mean that chewing gum is good for your teeth? Should you add chewing gum to your daily routine? In reality, gum, even with the ADA’s seal of approval, can be good and bad for your teeth. When you eat, acids form from leftover food particles.... read more »
Every day you spend some time brushing and flossing your teeth, in your efforts to keep tooth decay and gum disease away. And while you throw away any used up floss, you won’t want to do that with your toothbrush. You will however want to take care to keep your toothbrush clean, by rinsing well with warm water after every... read more »
Each day, even though you may not notice it, the surfaces of your teeth are covered with dental plaque, which is a white or yellow film that sticks to your teeth and harms your smile. Many don’t think much of this substance, but the truth is: if you don’t quickly remove it from your smile, it could cause major dental... read more »