Your custom-made dental crown can be created in four steps with the help of Dr. Kathleen Tantuco and our team. Here is an in-depth review of how dental crowns are made: -Dr. Kathleen Tantuco evaluates your dental health. Because every smile is unique, we need to ensure your tooth can support a dental crown. Dr. Tantuco examines the tooth and... read more »
Brushing your teeth each morning and night, as well as remembering to floss at least once each day, is a very important measure for removing residual food particles, sugar residue, and plaque from your mouth. If you are not consistent in these efforts, plaque acids can start to demineralize your tooth enamel, and hardened tartar can develop on your teeth... read more »
Do you want to prevent bleeding gums? If so, you have come to the right blog! Our dentists, Dr. Tantuco and Dr. Chong, encourage you to take good care of your gums and prevent bleeding as much as possible. This is because the bleeding gums pose as a sign of a larger problem. If you care for your gums, the... read more »
Dr. Kathleen Tantuco and our dental team here in Sandy Springs, Georgia, want you to have the best dental health and not just because we don’t want you to suffer cavities or toothaches. We want you to have great dental health so you can have great health as well! Certain dental issues have been found to be linked to major... read more »
Risks to your teeth are present in numerous aspects of your life. Even if you keep your teeth safe from hidden dangers by brushing and flossing effectively, bad habits and other risks in your lifestyle put your teeth in harm's way on a daily basis. Unhealthy habits are some of the greatest risks to our smiles that we continually cause... read more »
False teeth are probably the most boring thing ever. And who would argue that? Truth is often stranger than fiction, and dentures have a fascinating history. This may be less than easy to grasp, but tooth decay isn’t an exclusively American invention. For millennia, humans have faced the problem of tooth decay and tried to defeat it. In ancient Egypt,... read more »
If you could look at the surfaces of your teeth under a powerful microscope, you would see a series of tiny pores and textured areas. When you consume dark beverages, use tobacco, or eat dark foods, tiny dark particles can adhere to the surfaces of your teeth. If they are not removed in a reasonable amount of time these minor... read more »
Have you or someone noticed you grinding your teeth at night or even during the day? Whether it’s anxiety, an abnormal or crooked bite, stress in your daily life, sleep disorder, or even be a habit, you may be experiencing teeth grinding, also commonly known as bruxism. Some of the following symptoms of bruxism include: - Grinding at night -... read more »
Did you know that a toothache is caused by damage to the nerve endings within a tooth? However, not all toothache symptoms result in pain within your mouth. In some cases, toothache pain may manifest as disorders in other areas of your head, neck, or face. If you have a toothache, it should be addressed immediately. For more information about... read more »
It’s a hot day, and you’re feeling the effects of the heat and the sun. You go to the refrigerator and help yourself to a nice cold glass of...what? You may want to give that some thought since what you drink has a direct effect on your teeth. If you are craving a soda (or “pop”), keep in mind that... read more »