If you want a strong and healthy smile, fluoride is your friend. Fluoride is a helpful mineral that can benefit your smile in more ways than you might realize. Our dentist, Dr. Kathleen Tantuco, would like to tell you all about fluoride so you can better understand the mineral. To give you the information you need, they would like to share the following fluoride facts:
-Fluoride is a mineral that can strengthen your tooth enamel. In fact, when you expose your teeth to fluoride, it seeps into the enamel and nourishes it, making it a tough shell.
-Fluoride can help your teeth fight dental problems, like cavities and enamel erosion.
-You can access fluoride by using fluoride toothpaste, using fluoride mouthwash, drinking tap water, receiving a professional fluoride treatment and more.
-Children don’t usually need fluoride. This is because their little chompers already have enough fluoride exposure with the food they eat and the water they drink. Children shouldn’t use fluoride toothpaste until they are between 3 to 6 years of age, depending on recommendations from your dentist.
-There is a chance you can over-expose your teeth to fluoride, so it’s best to talk to your dentist and find out how much fluoride your teeth actually need.
To learn more about fluoride in Sandy Springs, Georgia, or to ask our dental team a question, please contact Vernon Woods Dental and Implant Center today at 404-381-1734. We are here to give you the answers and information you’re looking for, so don’t be afraid to reach out to us. We look forward to your phone call!