Dr. Tantuco and Dr. Chong have recently placed a temporary crown over your tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. The permanent crown is still being custom made for your smile and is not ready for placement. You will wear the temporary crown for about two weeks. Our dentists recommend that you give your temporary crown a little bit of extra care and precaution to protect it.
Try to avoid chewy, sticky foods like chewing gum that may grab at and pull off your temporary crown. Try to chew on the side of your mouth with the temporary crown as little as possible. Shift most of your chewing to the other side of your mouth. Steer clear of chewing hard foods, like raw vegetables, that could dislodge or damage your crown. When you floss your teeth, take extra care around the temporary crown. Instead of lifting the floss out as you normally would, slide the floss out the side. This will avoid the risk of pulling off your temporary crown.
Once your permanent crown is in place, it will not need any special care. However, it is important to remember that your crowned tooth is not immune to decay or gum disease. Continue to brush and floss as you should.
We invite you to contact Vernon Woods Dental and Implant Center today to learn more about caring for your dental crown and to schedule your next visit with our dentists in Sandy Springs, Georgia.