Our Vernon Woods Dental and Implant Center dental team wants your child to have the best dental experience possible. This means we need to work together to help your child feel comfortable in the dental chair. So, to help you help your child, we have some tips and recommendations for you that can help your child have a more successful dental appointment.
First, bring your child in to see Dr. Kathleen Tantuco at the best time possible. Timing is everything, so please avoid bringing your child in for their appointment when they should be taking a nap. It’s also recommended to avoid bringing them into the office after naptime as well—but only if your child tends to be cranky when they wake up. For older children, try not to schedule the appointment right after school or extracurricular activities. Most of the time they won’t have enough energy to deal with a dental treatment.
Second, be an example for your child. It’s best to schedule your appointment, if you have one, before your child’s appointment. That way they can watch you while you’re in the dental chair and know that if you can do it, they can do it.
Third, suppress your anxiety. If you feel nervous, anxious, or scared at the dental office, your child will most likely feel it too. This is why we ask you to do your best to suppress your nerves and anxiety. If you feel relaxed and comfortable in the dental chair, there is a chance your child will feel that way as well.
If you do these things, there is a chance your child can feel more relaxed and comfortable in the dental chair. So, please do your best to use our tips. To learn more or if you have any questions about how to help your child have a more successful dental appointment in Sandy Springs, Georgia, please don’t hesitate to talk to our dental team. All you need to do is dial 404-381-1734 and we will be more than happy to help you!